MorningStar Farms Meal Starters Veggie Crumbles, Meatless Chorizo, 13.5 oz, Frozen

A delicious meat-free addition to any diet, MorningStar Farms Chorizo Crumbles are boldly seasoned and ideal for an array of savory recipes. Go ahead and get creative, use these vegan crumbles for zesty breakfast burritos, stuffed peppers, on a home-made pizza, or as part of a delicious pasta dish. These Veggie Crumbles are a good source of fiber (contain 8g total fat per serving), protein (9g per serving, 17% of daily value); and are cholesterol free (contains 2g monounsaturated fat and 4.5g polyunsaturated fat per serving. See nutrition information for saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium content). Stock this convenient resealable bag in the freezer for an exciting anytime meal you can easily prepare in a skillet or microwave. MorningStar Farms Chorizo Crumbles are a delicious choice sure to please meat-lovers and vegetarians alike.